1·For surveyors and Engineers, to efficiently do survey work by GPS is of much more significance than to do research on GPS internal theory.
2·In fairness, we did do survey work, calling around, and attending white box conferences and venues to try to get a feel for that market, but in the end, the process was political.
3·If universities spent as much money on handling complaints and appeals appropriately as they spend on marketing, they would do better at keeping students, and in the National Student Survey returns.
4·To do this, the team used data from the British Household Panel Survey compiled by the University of Essex.
5·I suggested they do some experiments or at least a survey.
6·Bob, when will you help me do a survey, today or tomorrow?
7·According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only two fifths of men would do it.
8·A survey shows that the young adults who do not have part-time jobs are less prepared for life than those who do.
9·I suggested they do some experiments, or at least a survey.
10·However, the most important thing about conducting a customer satisfaction survey is what you do with their answers.